Friday, August 14, 2009


Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more; it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing. (Macbeth)
I realized that what is the purpose of life... it tantamount to nothing. Throughout known history humans have achieved high points but never stability. We always yell about civilization, society, karma, feminism and the lot. Yes we discovered fire, yes we discovered wheel and hell lot of things but our primal instincts, craved deep in our souls have never changed. That's why I say that humans have attained high points but did not change themselves. For example: we understood that murder is bad and therefore we denounced it as crime, punishable with harsh sentences. Did the murders stop? Humans achieved new ways of killing and sometimes sanctioned by State and Religion.
It is clear that the purpose of life is futile. An individual lives for less than 100 years and what does he achieve? He either destroys or is a part of that destruction. There is no change in our attitude or standards. We are the same as the cave men that inhabited the earth. Our instincts are still the same. Our position have not changed and we have made tools that are only capable of destruction.
So what are the values that we build and die for? My personal opinion is that those values are mere letters brought together that portray a feeling justified with reason signifying nothing. These values amount to nothing as it is weaker than those human instincts. No wonder we have incidents like Abu Gharib, Hiroshima, Genocides et al. So much for the value of human life. In today's world the prices are rising for every commodity but the value of human life has gone down drastically.

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